You’ll need to make some tough choices at times, and if you get too distracted by the action your defenses can really fall apart, but that all adds to the challenge and fun. The mix of strategy and action it offers is pretty unique and in general the presentation of the destruction and carnage really helps make it all exciting. The campaign is challenging and at a satisfying length, and if you really want more there’s already additional DLC content available as well. Overall, I’m really impressed by everything the folks behind this game have put together.

Oh, and did I just see a gigantic mechanized spider coming my way?!?! Setting up towers and then sitting back to watch how things play out getting stale? No problem, they’ve thrown in your ship not only being able to set up defenses but also having an active role to play with twin-stick shooting action! The progression is generally too limited and predictable? How about making you choose between new and more powerful tower types or souping up your ship to enable you to do more damage yourself? Too often there’s an endless array of enemies you can build up clusters of defenses to deal with in any configuration as you watch it play out dull wave after wave? Get ready to have to adjust both the positioning and configuration of your defenses as new waves will come at you from different points and the paths your enemies take can be altered by toppled skyscrapers or blown bridges. X-Morph: Defense is here to show everyone how you give a genre a serious kick in the right, and far more exciting, direction. Rarely have there been any real innovations made aside from perhaps some new tower variant, so most games in the genre have begun feeling by the numbers. While I’ve had some good times over the years playing tower defense games there’s no denying that the genre has stagnated quite a bit.